Date: 1998-08-27
Barlow trifft Magaziner: Famous last words
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Nachdem Ira Magaziner, reisender U.S. Sonderbotschafter in
Sachen Kryptographie/Exportverhinderung, einen Sermon über
die Rolle des freien Markts bei der Regelung von Fragen
sogenannter "privacy policies" abgelassen hatte, kam es im
Dialog mit John Perry Barlow (ehschonwissen; Netz/legende)
zu unten zitierten, famous last words.
privacy policy = Wichtiger als ein Impressum. Informiert
onsite darüber welche User/Daten erhoben, gesammelt &
weitergegeben werden.
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"Almost everything you have to say is undermined by your
administration policies on these issues," Harvard fellow and
fonder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, John Perry
Barlow, told Magaziner after his speech.
Magaziner basically agreed, "I don't agree with the policy
we have, but I understand the arguments on both sides of
it," he said. "I can't pretend we have a resolution that is
satisfactory--we don't."
full sermon
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Download free PGP 5.5.3i (Win95/NT & Mac)
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edited by Harkank
published on: 1998-08-27
comments to office@quintessenz.at
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