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Date: 1998-09-04

US/Umweltalarmplaene: Sicherheit durch Nicht/information

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An 66.000 US/Lokationen wird mit so gefährlicher Chemie
gekocht, dass Umweltalarm- und Evakuierungspläne notwendig
sind. Die Chemo/Köche wollen diese keineswegs im Netz,
sondern nur auf Papier & allerhöchstens CD veröffentlicht
sehen - aus Gründen der öffentlichen Sicherheit, natürlich.
Praktischerweise war grade eine ein/schlägige Studie zur
Hand, in der das Wort "Terrorismus" eine wesentliche Rolle

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09/03/98 ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA, U.S.A., 1998 SEP 3 (NB) -- By
Newsbytes Staff. A report today released by the Chemical
Manufacturers Association claims that an Environmental
Protection Agency proposal to use the Internet to
disseminate "emergency broadcast system"-type information
"will significantly increase the risk of terrorist attacks
in the United States."

The report, conducted by the Aegis Research Corp., said the
proposal would expose to too many prying eyes detailed and
sensitive information on "tens of thousands of industrial

Not surprisingly, the CMA has its own alternative that it
said "would substantially reduce -- but not entirely
eliminate -- the risk that terrorists could obtain and use
the data to plan and carry out attacks." CMA said it would
make the information available on paper for general
purposes, but make electronic copies only available on
CD-ROM and only to government officials.
CMA also reported that 66,000 manufacturing facilities, gas
and electric utilities, public water treatment works,
military bases and Department of Energy facilities must
submit worst-case scenarios to the EPA that would detail
what the worst thing is that could happen from the
accidental release of any of 140 hazardous chemicals.


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--.-q/depesche taeglich ueber--.-
internationale hacks--.-zensur im netz
crypto--.-IT mergers--.-monopole
& die universalitaet digitaler dummheit
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edited by Harkank
published on: 1998-09-04
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